Circuit Breaker Testing And Services
Circuit breakers are throughout any facilities electrical system. Even your emergency power system and critical loads have breakers for protection. It is imperative that you have at a minimum, your emergency power system and distribution system breakers tested. Even more so is this important on breakers that automatically operate based on switchgear and distribution system designs.
Trust us on this. We have seen too many cases of breakers not being tested and when these breakers fail it usually happens during an emergency. Primary service breakers have price tags in the tens of thousands of dollars and cannot just be picked up off of a shelf somewhere down the road. This why it is so important to be proactive on your testing and team up with a industry leader, Power And Energy Services. Don't allow some company to anxiously test your breakers. You need our dedicated staff to walk you through the process, lay out a game plan, coordinate the testing with other planned outage events, and most importantly provide you with a scope of work that includes a backup plan should a breaker fail. With the industry experience and knowledge that we have, partnering with us as your vendor of choice gives you the ability to call one company for a streamlined process when coordinating these services with a specialty service provider in conjunction with our standard services. Giving our customers access to one of the most diverse networks of specialty service providers, proves to be invaluable to our customers day after day.